Dmitry Tantsur (Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat)
How to test code that relies on (a lot of) other code?
How to test code that relies on something not available in a regular testing environment?
Magic objects that allow any operations on them and record them for future verification.
from unittest import mock
m = mock.Mock()
r =, cat='meow')
assert isinstance(, mock.Mock)
assert isinstance(r, mock.Mock), cat='meow')
assert r is
Mocks can simulate functions that return values or raise exceptions.
from unittest import mock
m = mock.Mock(return_value=42)
assert m() == 42
m = mock.Mock(side_effect=[1, 2])
assert m() == 1
assert m() == 2
m = mock.Mock(side_effect=RuntimeError("boom"))
m() # raises
import sys
def main():
a = int(sys.argv[1])
b = int(sys.argv[2])
c = int(sys.argv[3])
except IndexError:
sys.exit('3 arguments required')
except ValueError:
sys.exit('all arguments must be integers')
print(roots(a, b, c))
if __name__ == '__main__':
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
@mock.patch('sys.argv', [None, '1', '-3', '2'])
def test_correct(self, mock_print):
mock_print.assert_called_once_with((1.0, 2.0))
import sys
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
@mock.patch('sys.argv', [None, '1', '-3', '2'])
def test_patch(self):
# sys.argv is equal to the replacement value here
@mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [None, '1', '-3', '2'])
def test_patch_object(self):
# ...
import builtins
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_patch(self, mock_print):
# calling print() here calls mock_print instead
@mock.patch(builtins, 'print')
def test_patch_object(self, mock_print):
# ...
import builtins
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_patch(self, mock_print):
# calling print() here calls mock_print instead
def test_2(self, mock_print):
# ...
This is equivalent to adding the decorator to each test method.
import time
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_patch(self):
with mock.patch('time.time') as mock_time:
# calling time.time() here calls mock_time
# but not here
def test_patch_object(self):
with mock.patch.object(time, 'time') as mock_time:
# ...
Mock objects can simulate anything.
How to make them simulate a specific object or function?
Spot a problem:
A Mock object accepts a spec - a simulated object.
mock_spec_demo.pyclass A:
"""The class we are simulating."""
def x(self, n):
return n ** 2
m = mock.Mock(spec=A)
m.y = 42
What will this program output?
$ python3
<Mock name='mock.x' id='140537902817232'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 582, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute %r" % name)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'z'
Accessing z causes an error.
spec_set also enforces setting attributes.
mock_spec_set_demo.pyclass A:
"""The class we are simulating."""
def x(self, n):
return n ** 2
m = mock.Mock(spec_set=A)
m.y = 42
$ python3
<Mock name='mock.x' id='140537902817232'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in <module>
m.y = 42
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 688, in __setattr__
raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute '%s'" % name)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'y'
Setting y causes an error.
spec and spec_set can accept a list of attributes.
m = mock.Mock(spec=['x', 'y'])
m2 = mock.Mock(spec_set=['x', 'y'])
Or even wrap a real object:
m = mock.Mock(wraps=A())
assert m.x(2) == 4
The autospec argument of the patch function can even check function signatures:
mock_autospec_demo.pyclass A:
def x(self, y):
return y ** 2
@mock.patch.object(A, 'x', autospec=True)
def test(mock_x):
a = A()
$ python3
<MagicMock name='x()' id='140700038039648'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 1179, in patched
return func(*args, **keywargs)
File "", line 13, in test
File "<string>", line 2, in x
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 171, in checksig
sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/", line 2969, in bind
return args[0]._bind(args[1:], kwargs)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/", line 2884, in _bind
raise TypeError(msg) from None
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'y'
@mock.patch('builtins.print', autospec=True)
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
@mock.patch('sys.argv', [None, '1', '-3', '2'])
def test_correct(self, mock_print):
mock_print.assert_called_once_with((1.0, 2.0))
@mock.patch('sys.exit', autospec=True)
@mock.patch('sys.argv', [None, '1', '-3'])
def test_missing_argument(self, mock_exit, mock_print):
mock_exit.side_effect = RuntimeError
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, roots.main)
'3 arguments required')
I want to know how much of my code is covered by unit tests.
The answer is the coverage utility
$ coverage3 run -m unittest discover my_utils
Ran 5 tests in 0.012s
$ coverage3 report
Name Stmts Miss Cover
my_utils/ 0 0 100%
my_utils/ 21 3 86%
my_utils/tests/ 0 0 100%
my_utils/tests/ 21 0 100%
TOTAL 42 3 93%
Collect also branch information:
$ coverage3 run --branch -m unittest discover my_utils
Ran 5 tests in 0.012s
Show what is not covered:
$ coverage3 report -m
Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing
my_utils/ 0 0 0 0 100%
my_utils/ 21 3 8 2 83% 24-25, 30, 22->24, 29->30
my_utils/tests/ 0 0 0 0 100%
my_utils/tests/ 21 0 2 0 100%
TOTAL 42 3 10 2 90%
Running with python3 -m unittest is quite convenient.
But there are more feature-rich runners for Python unit tests.
$ pytest-3
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.4.2, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /home/dtantsur/Projects/berlin-python-unittest, inifile:
collected 5 items
my_utils/tests/ ..... [100%]
========================== 5 passed in 0.02 seconds ===========================
$ stestr-3 --test-path my_utils/tests/ run
{2} my_utils.tests.test_roots.RootsTest.test_correct [0.000341s] ... ok
{3} my_utils.tests.test_roots.RootsTest.test_negative_a [0.000647s] ... ok
{0} my_utils.tests.test_roots.MainTest.test_correct [0.011246s] ... ok
{0} my_utils.tests.test_roots.MainTest.test_missing_argument [0.004206s] ... ok
{1} my_utils.tests.test_roots.RootsTest.test_negative_discriminant [0.000660s] ... ok
Ran: 5 tests in 0.4467 sec.
- Passed: 5
- Skipped: 0
- Expected Fail: 0
- Unexpected Success: 0
- Failed: 0
Sum of execute time for each test: 0.0171 sec.
Worker Balance
- Worker 0 (2 tests) => 0:00:00.015929
- Worker 1 (1 tests) => 0:00:00.000660
- Worker 2 (1 tests) => 0:00:00.000341
- Worker 3 (1 tests) => 0:00:00.000647
Ran: 5125 tests in 139.0000 sec.
- Passed: 5113
- Skipped: 12
- Expected Fail: 0
- Unexpected Success: 0
- Failed: 0
Sum of execute time for each test: 519.9569 sec.
Worker Balance
- Worker 0 (1280 tests) => 0:02:12.778625
- Worker 1 (1280 tests) => 0:02:11.374847
- Worker 2 (1281 tests) => 0:02:10.885204
- Worker 3 (1284 tests) => 0:02:07.915481
tox simplifies routine task on managing virtual environments and running stuff in them.
Run unit tests on Python 2.7:
$ tox -epy27
Run unit tests on the default Python 3:
$ tox -epy3
Build a generic environment and run some commands there:
$ tox -evenv -- python -m some.package
Alternative: pyenv.
envlist = pep8,py3
usedevelop = True
deps =
# e.g. -r requirements.txt
commands =
python -m unittest discover my_utils
setenv =
basepython = python3
deps =
commands =
flake8 my_utils
commands = {posargs}
$ tox
pep8 develop-inst-noop: /home/dtantsur/Projects/berlin-python-unittest
pep8 installed: flake8==3.5.0,mccabe==0.6.1,-e,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pyflakes==1.6.0
pep8 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2318298329'
pep8 runtests: commands[0] | flake8 my_utils
py3 create: /home/dtantsur/Projects/berlin-python-unittest/.tox/py3
py3 develop-inst: /home/dtantsur/Projects/berlin-python-unittest
py3 installed: -e
py3 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2318298329'
py3 runtests: commands[0] | python -m unittest discover my_utils
Ran 5 tests in 0.007s
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
pep8: commands succeeded
py3: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
How to test code that does complex network interations?
Enables pre-defined answers to specified requests.
>>> @requests_mock.Mocker()
... def test_function(m):
... m.get('', text='resp')
... return requests.get('').text
>>> test_function()
The fixtures library provides a format for defining and using test fixtures.
Fixtures are self-contained helpers that ensure some state on test start and revert to the initial state after a test finishes.
import fixtures
import os
class SecretFileFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def __init__(self, fname, content='Hello'):
self.fname = fname
self.content = content
def _setUp(self):
with open(self.fname, 'w') as f:
self.addCleanup(lambda: os.unlink(self.fname))
class MyTest(fixtures.TestWithFixtures):
def setUp(self):
def test_with_file(self):
assert os.path.exists('/tmp/test')
# /tmp/test will be present here and deleted after the test ends
The testtools library provides support for useFixture out of box.